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venerdì 28 novembre 2008

Halloween...quest'anno a Londra si è festeggiato così !!!

Eh sì, ovviamente quest'anno ad halloween sono stato a Londra.
Dopo il lavoro sono uscito un pò, con i colleghi dell'ufficio, e qualche altro italiano.
Giro per pub, niente di che...giusto per vedere come festeggiassero qui.

Queste le foto, pochi commenti...chè non ne ho voglio

Ivan e Terry...è lei che ha truccato tutti quelli che si sono lasciati truccare...

Iniziamo con un pub a Camden Town...

...atmosfera tranquilla e rassicurante...

...barista bello...

...eccoli entrambi in tutto il loro splendore...

...3 dementi...da dove si capisce che sono italiani ???

...Terry con un'altra vittima del trucco...

...e mentre in metro Bat-Man riposa...

...tutta la compagnia si sposta verso un altro pub...

...dove gli AC/DC aspettano il pubblico festante.

Riassumendo: serata divertente, se non fosse altro perchè non bevendo birra mi rendo subito conto di quanto si devastino le persone, e di quanto il loro modo di divertirsi non sia neanche lontano parente del nostro...

mercoledì 19 novembre 2008

Siete indecisi sui regali di Natale ?

...io vi posso dare solo qualche idea...

Toilet Golf

Let's face it. Constipation can be a boring affair. Minutes seem like hours and before you know it, you've read the paper from front to back, finished the sudoku inside and folded a flock of origami swans from toilet roll.
If you can relate to any of the above, or in fact, generally find your time on the "porcelain throne" to be torturously tedious, why not try your hand at Toilet Golf, the craze that's sweeping the nation. The Toilet Golf set includes a perfect artificial putting green surface that fits around the base of a toilet, a cup with flag, a telescopic putter, 2 golf balls and a "Do Not Disturb: Golf Game In Progress" door hanger. Combine this equipment and you'll eliminate the risk of chronic toilet tedium from your toilet and when hit with that unfortunate bout of constipation, you;ll know just how to pass the time.

1 x Artificial putting green/toilet mat
1 x Cup with flag
1 x Telescopic putter
2 x Golf balls
1 x "Do Not Disturb: Golf Game In Progress" door hanger

Cozy Feet Microwavable Foot Warmers

Cozy up and cozy in. Your feet are two of the most useful, if sometimes unsightly, appendages you own. Should they freeze, your ability to stand, walk, run, and kick will be severely inhibited. Solution: Cozy Feet.

Dispose of one's stinky old slippers, for there's a new feetie-warmer in town. Fleecy, funky Cozy Boots are microwavable boots guaranteed to warm one's peripheries during marathon Friends DVD-watching sessions. Simply place them in the microwave. And stand back. In just 2 minutes you will have a foolproof way of ensuring defrosted feet, even in the most artic of winters. Now with slip-free soles for those swift top-up trips to the kitchen.
Cozy Boots contain a special blend of natural wheat grain and dried French lavender that, once heated, stay warm for up to two hours. With proper care they'll continue defrosting toes for years. Can be reheated thousands of times. Cozy Boots can also be frozen to treat sprains, bruising and swelling. One size fits all. Not suitable for use by Diabetics.Colours may vary.

USB Foot Warmers

Cozy up and cozy in. Your feet are two of the most useful, if sometimes unsightly, appendages you own. Should they freeze, your ability to stand, walk, run, and kick will be severely inhibited.
USB Foot Warmers to the rescue - these slippers will warm one's peripheries during marathon typing sessions. Simply plug them into a USB port for instant warmth and comfort.

Features:Made from soft, snugly fur, Warmed through a compact, ultra-flexible heat panel in the sole,Heat panel can be removed so footwarmers can be washed, Plug and Play - no software required, Operates with any USB port

USB Hamster Wheel

Being stuck on the hamster wheel of life is no fun. Just ask Ratty, our pet hamster back in the lab at gadgetshop HQ. Having the lining of your cage made from back issues of New Scientist must be deprivation indeed. Ratty can't speak, of course, but if he could, I'm sure he'd be mightily pee'd off.
Now you can join in solidarity with Ratty and oppressed masses worldwide by investing in this USB-linked keyboard activity monitor cunningly disguised as a hamster wheel. Simply install the device using the handy installation CD, insert the USB dongle in the port whatsit and type away. The faster you type, the faster the wheel will spin. Genius.
Type like the wind and the hamster will start to shift. Type for England and he'll work up a sweat. Type like no-one has ever typed before and watch him practically take off.
The hamster is a metaphor for the billions of us toiling over a hot keyboard with nothing more than a water cooler moment to lighten the mood. He might not be able to throw a Molotov cocktail or wave a placard, but he (and, by extension, you) are making a statement in his little hamster wheel way. Revolution!
Features: Includes installation CD.No hamsters were harmed in the making of this gadget

Official Borat Mankini Swimsuit

Attention. This is not a gadget. It is a bikini for men, a subject which makes us men here at gadgetshop HQ hastily cross and uncross our legs before coughing loudly and talking about 'sports' and slasher movies.
It looks better on Borat than it does on my colleage Simon, which is genuinely saying something. Maybe it's Simon's Clarks Pathfinders that spoil the effect.
So let's not talk about men. Let's take a dispassionate look at the functional benefits of the mankini over more conventional swimwear. First, it's a one-piece for convenience. Then, it's lurid shade of lime, meaning that it's going to get you seen. Lots. So it's safe when you're in the water. Additionally, it's official 20th Century Fox cinematic merchandise, so it's not some Khazak rio-off that will have you scratching all the way to your GP.
Crucially, it possesses a pouch in which to safely stow one's crown jewels. And finally, it is emblazoned with the Borat cinematic logo device, just in case anyone should think your efforts serious.
So there you have it. Makes a terrific comedy gift. An amazing Secret Santa. A self-deprecating poolside appearance. And a guaranteed (but polite) refusal at the door to the Sistine Chapel.
The Mankini is now among us. Buy at your peril.
Features:One size fits all, 10% Elastane, 90% Polyester
Beware: costume may become transparent when wet

Se avete tradotto e avete capito tutto, bè, grazie per lo sforzo...
Tutto quello che c'è in questa pagina è realmente in vendita su

Poi non dite che non avevate idee !!!

mercoledì 12 novembre 2008

Le cose si fanno serie...

...io continuo a stare a Londra, ma esattamente in questo istante Anna Maria sta provando il 1° abito da sposa della sua vita...
è un bel momento, credo significhi fare ancora un passo verso la realizzazione di questo desiderio...
I preparativi per il matrimonio vanno avanti, abbiamo fissato un sacco di cose:
  • gli sposi
  • la data
  • la chiesa
  • la sala
  • il fiorista (bugia, non l'abbiamo deciso, ma abbiamo un candidato)
  • le partecipazioni e gli inviti

Serve altro ???


intanto domenica prossima festeggiamo i -6 mesi a Dublino ;-))) olèèèè